MISSING MAN Recordings



This part will be a bit lengthy but we feel it’s important that you understand how pricing works.

A lot of studios will only leave prices for their services on demand, but for customers to able to get an idea of the recording costs we have decided to show you how an invoice might look like.

As you will see we have different prices depending on the length/magnitude of your project. As we have stated on other places on our web site it’s important not to compare apples and oranges. This is a professional recording studio with all that comes with one of those. We’re sorry but we just can’t offer the same prices a guy with a laptop in a closet can offer you. However, we do understand that prices are of the utmost importance for artists in the music business today. Since we are not in this for the money, but have to stay alive none the less, we try to offer you value to whatever project you throw at us. Since there is always a startup cost – prices will be higher for shorter projects and will fall for longer ones. The reason for this is that we do have the ambition to enable large projects for the paying customer without the end bill getting monstrous.

At MISSING MAN Recordings we are two working engineers. Some parts of the process will greatly profit from this. Especially when setting up the session and soundchecking a full band with drums in a live recording situation. Depending on the project we will make the judgement on whether two technicians are needed or not and the price will be set accordingly to that, ( see price example below), but sometimes you’ll even get two for the price of one!
The prices are based on meticulous work in choosing mics/placement etc. for the purpose of pristine sound quality.


Price per hour including ONE technician:

1-3 hours 600 SEK/h 

E.g. 2h =1200 SEK
3h =1800 SEK

Hour 4-8. Additional 360 SEK/h

E.g. 4 h = 2160 SEK
5 h = 2520 SEK
6 h = 2880 SEK
7 h = 3240 SEK
8 h = 3600 SEK

Full day/8 hours, including TWO technicians:

All prices are excluding VAT 25%.


”rock band project” git, git, drums, bass, vocals 4 songs:

Day 1 Soundcheck and commencing basic tracking  4800sek ( two technicians ) 
Day 2 Recording fundamental tracks 3600/4800 ( one or two technicians )
Day 3 Add-ons git solo etc. 3600sek 
Day 4 Add-ons, vocals 3600sek

Editing: 0 sek ( In this example, editing is done during the sessions )

Mix four songs exkl. editing 4 x 2000 =    8000sek (mixprice differs from extent of projects and level)

Total cost 23 600 SEK excl. VAT
Total cost 29 500 SEK incl 25% VAT

( Please note that in the recording process ”mastering” is generally the final step. We can also offer mastering at MMR but usually we recommend customers to other mastering engineers that we work with and consider appropriate for the project. That is, since one of the properties of mastering among others is getting a second outside opinion. )

In this example above, editing will be performed during the sessions. If you, for some reson, want the editing to happen afterwards or if the project requires a lot of editing, additional costs will apply. 

Note! Consider the ”rock band project” a price example. If you already feel that this is over your budget, then maybe you can consider other options such as only recording the drums at us and doing add-ons such as solos, vocals and more in your own studio or doing the mixes yourself etc.


Starting cost SEK thereafter SEK/tape.

Total one tape: SEK
Total two tapes SEK
and so on…

All prices excluding VAT

Note 1. Tapes are delivered as a logic project or only as .wave or .aiff files. Transfer prices does not include editing, individual song bouncing etc.
Note 2. A lot of the older tapes suffer from what is called SSS ( Sticky Shed Syndrome ) which means that the oxide layer of the tape sheds when being used. This can be mended by baking the tape.


Price on request but around 3000SEK excl. VAT depending on project. Price is also based on “solo work” i other words, not with the client present during the mix. With the client present the price is usually charged by the hour.

Editing is not included and charged is charged by the hour. Several mixrevisions may be sent to the client during the mix but after the so called “final version” has been sent one more revision is included. Thereafter the client will be charged for additional revisions.

The mixproceeding may alter depending on if it’s an analog mix or completely “in the box” mix.


Price on request


Price on request

MISSING MAN Recordings